北側境界: From the intersection of Studley Park and Slipe Pen Road, north to the Baker Street and Slipe Pen Road
東側境界: From the intersection of Manning Street and Asquith Street, east along Asquith Street, right unto Livingston Street and east on Studley Park Road to the intersection with Slipe Pen Road
南側境界: Along Manning Street to Asquith Street
西側境界: From the intersection of Baker Street and Slipe Pen Road, west along Baker Street to Penn Street, west along Penn Street to the Manning Street and Penn Street Intersection
Embassy of Japan in Jamaica
NCB Towers, North Tower, 6th Floor, 2 Oxford Rd, Kingston 5
tel:1(876)929-3338/9 fax:1(876)968-1373
(緊急時:*FM radio: 87.9Mhz)