
 1日,ホルネス首相はセント・アンドリュー県南部地区のグリニッジタウン(Greenwich Town)を犯罪対策特別地区(Zoso)に指定する旨を発表しました。


To the west, beginning at the intersection of Marcus Garvey Drive and Third Avenue, the boundary extends in a north-easterly direction along Third Avenue and then south-easterly along the train line continuing north-easterly parallel to West Avenue, then to the east of Greenwich Town All-Age School to Spanish Town Road to the north.

It continues south-easterly along Spanish Town Road to the shared parish boundaries of Kingston and St. Andrew in the vicinity of the intersection of Spanish Town Road and Maxfield Avenue.

To the east, it continues from the vicinity of the intersection of Spanish Town Road and Maxfield Avenue in a south-westerly direction along the boundary of Kingston and St. Andrew down to Marcus Garvey Drive.

To the south, the boundary extends from the intersection of the shared parish boundary in a north-westerly direction at the intersection with Third Avenue.




Embassy of Japan in Jamaica

NCB Towers, North Tower, 6th Floor, 2 Oxford Rd, Kingston 5

tel:1(876)929-3338/9 fax:1(876)968-1373


(緊急時:*FM radio: 87.9Mhz)