NORTH From the intersection of Wayne Drive and Plum Lane to the intersection of Wayne Drive and Wayne Close
SOUTH From the entrance of 44 Whitehall Avenue to the dead-end of 44 Whitehall Avenue (200M)
EAST From the intersection of Wayne Drive and Wayne Close, travelling along Wayne Close, onto an imaginary line, through premises in Collins Close onto 44 Whitehall Avenue (350 M)
WEST From the dead-end of 44 Whitehall Avenue to the intersection of Wayne Drive and Plum Lane (150M)
※ 対象地区の居住者が外出する場合は,現場指揮官の許可書が必要となります。
Embassy of Japan in Jamaica
NCB Towers, North Tower, 6th Floor, 2 Oxford Rd, Kingston 5
tel:1(876)929-3338/9 fax:1(876)968-1373
(緊急時:*FM radio: 87.9Mhz)