
当国警察からオーガスト・タウン(ウエスト・インディーズ大学モナ近く)において夜間外出禁止令が発令されたとの連絡がありました。当局によれば5日(土)午後6時から7日(月)午後6時までの間, 以下の地域に外出禁止令が布かれます。

NORTH: Along an imaginary line about 500 metres from the hill ridge at Goldsmith Villa vicinity of a large upstairs building to the intersection with Payton Place and Mona Road.

EAST: Along an imaginary line about 2000 metres from the intersection with Payton Place and Mona Road to the intersection of Silvera Drive and Bryce Hill Road.

SOUTH: Along an imaginary line about 200 metres from the intersection of Silvera Drive and Bryce Hill Road to Top Road.

WEST: Along an imaginary line about 1500 metres from Top Road to the large upstairs building along the hill ridge at Goldsmith Villa.

また, 以下のセント・キャサリン北部警察署管轄地域に発令中の夜間外出禁止令は6日(日)午後6時まで延長されています。

NORTH: Along Greendale main road from the bridge at Dempshire Pen to the intersection with Michael Manley Boulevard.

EAST: Along Michael Manley from Greendale main road to the intersection with Spanish Town Bypass.

SOUTH: Along Spanish Town Bypass from Michael Manley Boulevard to the bridge at the Rio Cobre River.

WEST: Along the eastern bank of the Rio Cobre River from the bridge at the Rio Cobre River to the Bridge at Dempshire Pen.


なお, 皆様の方で警察当局との関係で, その対応等について何かお気づきの点等がございましたら, 大使館までご連絡願います。



Embassy of Japan in Jamaica

NCB Towers, North Tower, 6th Floor, 2 Oxford Rd, Kingston 5

tel:1(876)929-3338/9 fax:1(876)968-1373


(緊急時:*FM radio: 87.9Mhz)