
ジャマイカ治安当局の発表によれば,クラレンドン県及びセント・キャサリン県に発令された非常事態宣言の対象区域は, 以下のとおり県境を含む同2県の全域となります。

East: The eastern boundary starts at the easternmost point of St Catherine, at the coastal

intersection of the parish borders of St Catherine and St Andrew. The eastern boundary

then extends in a north-northwesterly direction along the shared parish borders of St

Catherine and St Andrew, then along the shared borders of St Catherine and St Mary.

North: The northern boundary extends in a westerly direction along the borders shared

by St Catherine with St Mary and St Ann, and by Clarendon with St Ann, extending to

the point of intersection of borders of Clarendon, St Ann, Manchester and Trelawny.

West: The western boundary extends in a southeasterly direction along the shared parish

border of Clarendon and Manchester all the way to the coast.

South: The southern boundary extends along the entire coastal boundaries of Clarendon

and St Catherine, back to the southernmost point of the shared border of St Catherine and

St Andrew.

治安当局は,ジャマイカ国民に対し協力と支援を求めるとともに, コミュニティーにおいてギャングやそのほかの犯罪行為に関する情報があれば,ホットライン(876−837−8888(JDF)または311(警察))で連絡するよう要請しています。



Embassy of Japan in Jamaica

NCB Towers, North Tower, 6th Floor, 2 Oxford Rd, Kingston 5

tel:1(876)929-3338/9 fax:1(876)968-1373


(緊急時:*FM radio: 87.9Mhz)